Let' s connect
Dear Sisters,
I am Grandmother Luzclara from Chile and I have had the vision of bringing together the Grandmothers of North, Central and South America during these times of great change and need, to hold ceremonies and pray together for a healthy and peaceful Earth.
THE VOICE OF THE GRANDMOTHERS OF THE AMERICAS is an invitation to hear the Grandmothers, voice to voice, in Tepoztlán, Mexico, on November 4, 5, 6 and 7, 2025.
We will be joined by 11 Grandmothers:
Grandmother Panchita Calfín, from the Mapuche Nation in Chile.
Grandmother Martina Mamani, from the Q’anchi Nation in Peru.
Nan Amalia Tum Kaqchiquel, Guardian of Maya Spirituality in Guatemala.
Grandmother Ana Luisa Solis, expert in Toltec, Maya, Olmec and Mexica cultures from Mexico.
Grandmother Lupita Domínguez, from Mexico, a Moon and Sun dancer, temazcalera and visionary.
Grandmother La’ne Saán Moonwlaker, from the Yoeme/Apache lineage in the U.S., healer, spiritual teacher and environmental guardian for over 45 years.
Grandmother Brooke Medicine Eagle, from the U.S., legendary indigenous earth guardian, wisdom teacher, women's mysteries bearer, healer, shamanic practitioner, visionary, singer and composer.
Sweet Medicine Nation, from the U.S., a talented artist, educator, lecturer, medicine teacher and guide.
Susun Weed, from the U.S., a green witch and wise woman, bringing powerful presence and encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health.
Gayle - Black Bear, from Canada, inspirational speaker, encouraging others by transmuting and transforming herself from a lifetime of challenges and trauma.
Lourdes Vizcaino, from Mexico, inspiring through diverse activities, especially involving rivers, springs, oceans and our blood.
This will be a large event with significant costs. If any of you would like to sponsor a Grandmother, it would be a great help. Sponsorship involves covering travel expenses for the Grandmothers coming from abroad to Mexico, as well as their hotel and meals. We estimate approximately USD $3,500 per Grandmother. The event will cover their honorariums.
Those who sponsor a Grandmother will have the opportunity to enjoy a personal session with her.
We need your support!
Thank you so much.
If you feel called to contribute to this beautiful event and support our Grandmothers in their mission for the Human Community —sharing their words and wisdom to manifest a world of peace and prosperity for all— reach out to us through the channels listed below.
If you have questions, require additional information about this event or wish to collaborate by sponsoring one of our grandmothers, leave us your message.