Come and live the ancient prophecy of the meeting between the Eagle and the Condor in the land of the Quetzal

North America
Central America
South America

A place full of power and magic
Under the protection of Apu Tepozteco, where homage was paid to Ometochtli Tepoztécatl, the God of fertility and winds, lies the magical town of Tepoztlán—a place filled with color, legends and natural beauty.
A site of great energetic power that will embrace us for four days of ceremonies, songs and the wisdom and tradition shared by our 13 Grandmothers from North, Central and South America.
We will gather amidst nature to connect with the spirit of Mother Earth and her elements.

Live the ritual, be the ritual
For the ritual and ceremony to hold power and meaning, it requires our channel-being, our presence, our heart and the power of our wombs.
This is not the first time the Great Mother has called us. This vision already has a history reaching back to our first ancestors.
Let' s gather once again in response to the call of our Mother Earth: The time of birth has arrived and we are the doulas and midwives.
"You are one with the world, not separate from the world. You are not American, Russian, Hindu or Muslim. You are not any of these labels and words, you are the rest of humanity because your consciousness and your reactions are similar to those of others. You may speak a different language, have different customs, that is superficial culture, all cultures are apparently superficial but your consciousness, your reactions, your faith, your beliefs, your ideologies, your fears, anxieties, your loneliness, your suffering and pleasures are similar to the rest of humanity. If you change, it will affect all of humanity".
- Krishnamurti
If you have questions, require additional information about this event or wish to collaborate by sponsoring one of our grandmothers, leave us your message.